Heather Aubrey Lloyd

Phoenicia United Methodist Church, 29 Church St., Phoenicia, NY 12464

$18 in advance $20 at the door

Award-winning singer-songwriter Heather Aubrey Lloyd is a former member of the Baltimore-based band ilyAIMY, where she learned to play the African djembe and attack her acoustic guitar with a similar percussive style. In 2008 Lloyd toured with Dar Williams as a percussionist, while today she is known for her powerful soulful tenor voice that flies from velvet to growl, providing the right mix of force, grit, and sweetness. She has been compared to powerhouses like Janis Joplin and Melissa Etheridge.

Formerly a journalist, Lloyd writes songs steeped in narrative and frequently inspired by slam poetry. Her originals “Good Heart” and “If We Come Too Late” recently won the Bernard Ebb Songwriting Award of $10,000. Lloyd also was named “Most Wanted Artist” in 2018 at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, an accolade she won with ilyAIMY in 2012 as well. She is also the 2019 Grand Prize Winner of the prestigious Bernard Ebb Songwriting Award.

“Lloyd’s voice has a powerful emotional and technical range, using everything from a delicate whisper to a bluesy growl to breathe life into folk narratives.” – The Morning Call

“Heather Lloyd’s voice is… rich and emotionally hard-hitting – equal parts velvet darkness, barely contained heartbreak, and hard-won, unstoppable joy.” -– Pat Wictor, Brother Sun


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